Thank you very much for accessing our archdiocesan hotline for reporting misconduct with children, Code of Conduct violations, and misuse of church funds and property. We are grateful for your assistance in working with us to ensure the safety of children and maintain the highest ethical and professional standards in all of our ministries.
The parishes, schools, agencies and other entities of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis are committed to the safety of children and to being good stewards of our resources. We are all responsible for ensuring that there is compliance with our teachings and our policies regarding the dignity of every person and the care of resources with which we have been entrusted.
You can make a confidential report using this hotline or, if you wish, you can talk with your pastor, parish life coordinator, principal, or agency director, and the two of you can make a report together. Another option is to contact our Victim Assistance Coordinator directly at 1-800-382-9836, ext. 1548 to report child sexual misconduct or violations of our Code of Conduct regarding the safety of minors. Financial misconduct can also be reported directly to our Chief Financial Officer, Controller, Director of Financial Analysis or Human Resources Director. The contact information for these individuals is at the end of the Whistleblower Policy, which you can access from this site.
If you suspect misconduct, but do not have proof, we would still appreciate any information you can share. If you are unsure of whether a situation is a violation, you can use the reporting system to ask a question confidentially.
The parishes, schools, agencies and other entities of the Archdiocese sincerely appreciate reports that are made and will not retaliate or take action against any person who makes a report. For employees, they will not suffer a loss of employment, a decrease in wages, or other adverse consequences due to making a report.
For the parishes, schools, agencies and other entities of the Archdiocese to safeguard children and demonstrate accountability, every person needs to be willing to report suspicions of wrongdoing. We appeal to you to be vigilant in these areas and to report any information that will help us live up to these standards.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson
Archbishop of Indianapolis
Muchas gracias por acceder a nuestra línea directa arquidiocesana para denunciar mala conducta con niños, violaciones del Código de conducta y mal uso de fondos y propiedades de la iglesia. Agradecemos su ayuda al trabajar con nosotros para garantizar la seguridad de los niños y mantener los más altos estándares éticos y profesionales en todos nuestros ministerios.
Las parroquias, escuelas, agencias y otras entidades de la Arquidiócesis de Indianápolis están comprometidas con la seguridad de los niños y con ser buenos administradores de nuestros recursos. Todos somos responsables de garantizar que se cumplan nuestras enseñanzas y nuestras políticas respecto de la dignidad de cada persona y el cuidado de los recursos que se nos han confiado.You may use either of the following two methods to submit a report:
Click Make a Report to file a report online.
Dial 888-393-6810
(Toll-free: United States, Guam, Puerto Rico and Canada)
After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.
EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:
Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.
Puede utilizar cualquiera de los dos métodos siguientes para enviar un informe:
Haga clic en Hacer un informe para presentar un informe en línea.
Marque 888-393-6810
(Llamada gratuita: Estados Unidos, Guam, Puerto Rico y Canadá)
Después de completar su informe, se le asignará un código único llamado "clave de informe". Anote su clave de informe y contraseña y guárdelas en un lugar seguro. Después de 5 a 6 días hábiles, use su clave de informe y contraseña para revisar su informe en busca de comentarios o preguntas.
EthicsPoint NO es un 911 ni un servicio de emergencia:
No utilice este sitio para informar eventos que presenten una amenaza inmediata a la vida o la propiedad. Es posible que los informes enviados a través de este servicio no reciban una respuesta inmediata. Si necesita asistencia de emergencia, comuníquese con las autoridades locales.